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What Makes Boyer Chocolate Candy So Different


There is a bewilderingly wide array of chocolate candy brands out there: good, bad, and indifferent to varying degrees; with or without the staying power that is required for a truly great brand of chocolates. While some have become firm family favorites and a part of our daily lives, our celebrations and our special days, there are others brands that sort of fell by the wayside without making the lasting impression that Boyer Candy has made all these decades past. So what makes Boyer chocolate candy brands different from a thousand other chocolate brands?


It all started way back in 1936 when the Boyer Brothers started to make chocolates in their mother’s kitchen in a bid to tide out the difficult times of the Depression. The Mallo Cup, the candy that Americans of all ages have loved for so many decades, was an amazing new invention at the time; the first ever cup candy! All these years later, Boyer continues to be one of the most innovative chocolate candy brands; with cups, cookies, brownies, barks, pretzels, and so many other innovative products.


Your parents or grandparents probably have a favorite type of Boyer Candy; you might even have your woen happy memories of childhood that feature our candies. The nostalgia and the happy memories tied up with our candy make our products so irresistible to our customers.

Unremitting Quality

The attention to detail and the stress placed on quality control that characterize our products today have been a part of our chocolate making ethos since the first days of Boyer Candy. Many other chocolate candy brands have not been able to keep quality consistent; our commitment to your satisfaction has always ensured that only products of the highest quality reach you.

Amazing Gifting Options

We bring you a wide variety of products that make some truly fine gifts. Whether it’s a special message of love for Valentine’s Day or a memorable gift for the holidays; a favorite for the Halloween trick or treating circuit or grandma's favorite birthday present, there are gifting options here for everyone!

Take a look at our various chocolate candy brands and products to decide which is right for you!