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Retro Candy: Relive Your Childhood With Mallo Cup Candy


Remembering the past sometimes involves looking at photos or watching videos, going through boxes of memorabilia, and even revisiting the food of that era. One thing that still endures from childhood is retro candy. Mallo Cup candy never goes out of style, and everybody in your family enjoys it, from young to old.

Gift Retro Candy

While it seems impersonal to give retro candy as a gift, when it comes to nostalgia; people adore it and have a good laugh over past memories. Give retro candy to an old friend that use to share trips to the candy store with you, especially if they are going through an illness or a rough time. Opening up the candy and sharing it, will put a smile on their face.

Throw a Theme Party

Retro candy is perfect for a throwback theme party with friends. The candy comes in a collectible tin that can be placed on a display table and left for partygoers to snack as they please. Some popular party ideas are a 1970s disco dance party, a 1980s nerd party, or a 1990s rock ‘n’ roll blowout. Just warn the neighbors, better yet, invite them too! Don’t forget to dress up in retro costumes, because that’s really half the fun!

Share It with Your Kids

One of the joys of being a parent is sharing the things you loved as a child with your kids, and retro candy is surely one of those things. One, candy is universal, and every child loves it — it’s part of being a kid! Second, our retro candy treats are a way to spend time and create new memories with your children. They’ll sit with attention as you recount how you fell in love with retro candy and where you first ate it.

Bring It for a Picnic

Take our candy for a family or group picnic. Pack it with sandwiches, or if you’re ambitious, a mini-grill for hamburgers, and head to your local park. Retro candy is a sweet and yummy treat that’s easy to snack on outdoors and then get on with a family softball game. So take the sentimentality of retro candy and turn it into something present and enjoyable for your entire brood!

Boyer retro candy comes in a creamy, peanut butter flavor and is packaged in a 1940s reproduction Boyer Candy Company tin. Order this delicious, gluten-free Mallo Cup candy now!