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Boyer’s Gluten Free Candy


When it comes to delicious candy treats, it’s no secret that Boyer Candy Company comes out on top! From our delicious marshmallow filled Mallo Cups, to our insanely delectable Smoothie Cups, Boyer Candy is in the business of creating exquisite sweet treats. However, did you know that our candy is not only delicious, but it’s also gluten free candy? More and more people are finding out that they are intolerant to gluten every day, and finding the best gluten free candy can seem like an endless treasure hunt. However, at you’ll find gluten free candy easily, and delicious gluten free candy at that.

Since 1936, Boyer Candy company has been producing some of the most delicious and popular candies in history, and continues to offer delicious treats that are gluten free, kosher, and proudly made in the United States. What are some of our favorite gluten free candy offerings:

  • Mallo Cup: It might be the candy that started it all. A delicious treat concocted of whipped marshmallow crème center surrounded by a delicious combination of milk chocolate and coconut. There’s nothing sweeter than a delicious Mallo Cup, and these treats are gluten free.
  • Smoothie Cups:  Everybody has their own favorite cup candy, but none are as unique and delicious as the Smoothie Cup. This gluten free candy combines everything you know and love about peanut butter cups, but adds a deliciously sweet and delectable sweet butterscotch coating.
  • Peanut Butter Cups: A classic combination of chocolate and peanut butter, from the company that created America’s first cup candy! Our peanut butter cups are gluten free candy, and sure to satisfy any sweet tooth who is conscious about gluten.
  • Custom Kitchen: We not only offer our classic cup candy offerings, but also have expanded into offering other delicious chocolate treats from our expert chocolatiers. These offerings are gluten free, delicious, and perfect for any sweet tooth. From Easter candy to Halloween candy, our custom kitchen has you covered.

When you’re looking for the best selection of gluten free candy, make your first choice. We take pride in offering candy that has clearly stood the test of time.